New Delhi: Kia India announced on Tuesday that it will recall 44,174 of its latest model Carens to inspect and fix potential errors in its airbag control module software. As a responsible company, the company has decided to voluntarily recall vehicles for inspection and will provide free software updates if necessary, the automaker said in a statement. Kia India records 69% increase in sales to 18,718 units in May 2022.

A voluntary recall campaign is being conducted to check for potential errors in Carens’ airbag control module software, he added.

The company said it will contact the vehicle owners directly to update them on this voluntary recall campaign. Customers of affected vehicles should contact their respective Kia Authorized Dealer to make an appointment. Kia EV6 pre-orders open in India. Available June 2, 2022.

Kia India launched this model in February of this year with 6 and 7 seat options. Carens has 1.5 petrol, 1.4 liter petrol and 1.5 diesel powertrains combined with his three transmissions. Over 44,000 Kia Cullens recalled for possible airbag issue