Home Motorcycle Optimal Seating Distance from the Tank: Various Approaches and Their Benefits

Optimal Seating Distance from the Tank: Various Approaches and Their Benefits

Optimal Seating Distance from the Tank: Various Approaches and Their Benefits

Seating Position: A Key Element for Every Rider

Seating position can be a nuanced affair for each rider, with noticeable differences even among the world’s top riders. This article explores how your proximity to the tank can impact your performance on the bike.

Sitting as Close as Possible


  1. Enhanced Braking Support: Sitting far forward provides greater support for the lower body during hard braking, as there’s no room to slide forward. This can save energy compared to riders who sit farther back and must brace themselves.
  2. Improved Acceleration Control: With more weight over the front end, you can accelerate harder before the front wheel lifts, reducing the need for electronic aids like wheelie control. However, the difference is minimal for most riders.


  1. Compromised Hanging Off: Sitting close to the tank can hinder your ability to hang off the bike properly, leading to a “crossed-up” position and reduced lower body stability.
  2. Easier Rear Wheel Lift: With more weight forward, the rear wheel is more likely to lift during braking, although the difference is slight.

Sitting a Little Way Off the Tank


  1. Better Body Position: Sitting 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) away from the tank allows easier sideways movement and better contact with the outside leg, enhancing lower body stability.
  2. Neutral Upper Body Position: With hips less twisted, you can maintain a more neutral upper body position, aligning your spine with the bike.
  3. Improved Braking: More weight over the rear wheel can enhance braking potential.


  1. Lower Body Support: Sitting farther back requires more effort from your feet and knees to prevent sliding forward during hard braking, depending on your bike setup.

Which Should You Use?

I generally advocate sitting 3-4 inches back from the tank for the overall body position benefits, aligning with modern performance riding standards. However, personal comfort and riding style are crucial. If sitting closer to the tank allows you to ride better, it’s not necessarily wrong. Adapt your position to what feels best for you while aiming for optimal performance.