Home Auto News Young America Insurance Company – Auto Insurance Discounts

Young America Insurance Company – Auto Insurance Discounts


Founded in 1952, Young America Insurance is a reputable auto insurer in the U.S. The company rewards its customers for driving an environmentally safe vehicle. So, if you own a hybrid vehicle, Young America Auto Insurance might be the right choice for you. Aside from this discount, Young America Insurance company also offers accident-free discounts, good student discounts, auto/home discounts, and multi-car discounts. We will comment on some of these discounts below.

Young America Insurance Group is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and also provides quality insurance in California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, Indiana, Alabama and Arizona. They have thousands of employees in their workforce and have served millions of clients, including a large number of the Latino population.

Visit Young America Insurance today to learn more about the many different policies they provide, as well as the discounts that may end up saving you hundreds!

Young America Insurance Discounts

Everyone is looking for new ways to save money on their auto insurance. It’s just one of those things in life that everyone must have in order to live with certain privileges and in this case, that privilege is driving! Now since we all have to pay auto insurance premiums every month, the most we can do is to shop around for the best available price and find that cheap auto insurance company that will give the most discounts like Young America Insurance. But what most people don’t know is that most auto insurance companies offer all kinds of various discounts that they do not publicly advertise.

There are so many different discounts ranging from the big Multi-Car Discount, which saves you up to 35 percent on your entire insurance policy, to the tiny Daytime Running Lights Discount in which all you need to qualify for this is to own a vehicle that comes factory-equipped with daytime running lights. Now that you understand how varied these auto insurance discounts are, you should be shopping within Young America to see if there are any discounts that you should already be saving money on because you’re qualified and you didn’t even know it!

Good Student Discount

Before you go, the focus of this section is on the generous Good Student Discount. This is one of the largest auto insurance discounts there is; and in my opinion, it’s for good reason. In order to qualify for the Good Student Discount, you must be between the ages of 16 and 25 and also currently be a full-time high school or full-time college student. In most states, students must have a minimum GPA (grade point average) of 3.0 or better to qualify as well. This good student discount may save you up to 15 percent on your entire auto insurance policy!

Males and unmarried females with less than 9 years of behind-the-wheel experience, who have already graduated from a 4-year college or university, may also be considered for this good student discount, granted they meet the above scholastic prerequisites. (Students enrolled in a home-study program may also be eligible if they show proof of upper-20 percent rankings for the National Standardized Tests within the last 12 months). Being a good student is no easy task and that is why most auto insurance companies honor this good student discount.

Thousands of drivers across the United States are saving money on their auto insurance with the Good Student Discount. If you feel that you qualify for this good student discount under the previously described requirements, be sure to check with Young America auto insurance right away to see if they’re already giving you discounted rates on your monthly auto insurance premiums.

However, you can also shop around for other auto insurance providers, considering that almost every major provider offers this discount. You can also use a direct auto insurance website to shop for other trusted insurance providers that also offer the Good Student Discount in their free auto insurance quote section. Good luck!

Utility Vehicle Discount

Owning a vehicle that you use strictly for work can have many benefits. Some of these benefits may include your insurance rates! Though the majority of the vehicles on the road are driven for personal use, many drivers are constantly giving their work vehicles more wear and tear each year. Because of this, many autos insurance companies have created discounted insurance rates for these customers who own utility vehicles.

When you buy a car that is going to be used only for work, there are many tax benefits you may be eligible for. Depending on your type of business and other specifics, most utility vehicles can be listed as a tax write-off when tax season comes around. And since saving money is a common goal for virtually everyone, it is not uncommon to see people writing off their utility vehicles on their taxes. But what else can you do to save money on your work utility vehicle? Auto insurance is another option that should be addressed.

Though not all auto insurance companies offer it, the Utility Vehicle Discount was made for this specific situation. If you own a utility vehicle that you drive solely for work purposes, you should find out if your insurance company offers this type of discount. And if they don’t, you should probably shop around for other auto insurance agencies!

Every auto insurance provider gives a different discounted rate for this type of deal. Every situation has variables that may affect just how much you are discounted on your monthly premiums. Get in touch with a representative from Young America auto insurance company right away to see how much you can save with the Utility Vehicle Discount.