Home Auto News Lowrider cars: discover the art of driving low and slow

Lowrider cars: discover the art of driving low and slow

Lowrider cars: discover the art of driving low and slow

Lowrider History: The Beginning of the Rebellion

Like all forms of self-expression, Lowrider’s roots are in rebellion, a raw fist against the established status quo.

According to one obscure explanation, this phenomenon is tracked as follows. Arrival of Mexican immigrants In the 1930s in El Paso, Texas, they went to work in a large shoe factory. They often declared:Parashoes Company“The phrase eventually became a nickname for[shoe companies]border guards.” Pachuco.

As a true hot-blooded young man, pachucos They were often at odds with the authorities and the white-majority community. One of their notable expressive acts was to mimic the gangster lifestyle and wear Zoot’s suits to impress women, but the flashy outfits had to be worn before rations during the war. Considered wasteful, it was frowned upon in the 1940s.

This culminated in the 1943 Zoot Suit Riot in Los Angeles, where hordes of US soldiers beat and harassed Latino men and boys for five nights.

car as canvas

One common belief is that Pachuco The myth of folk heroes was that they were serial bootleggers who stuffed their trunks with contraband. This was the accepted explanation for the very low position of their car.

Soon, other Latinos began intentionally lowering their car’s suspension systems to take advantage of this notoriety. By the end of World War II in 1945, American car culture was in full swing, and trends among white groups were: change stock car To squeeze out more power, like a hot rod.

Mexican-American veterans returning from the war also tinkered with the machine, but for a completely different purpose: to emphasize style and self-identity rather than speed.

https://carbuzz.com/features/lowrider-cars Lowrider cars: discover the art of driving low and slow