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Ford Credit’s Jim Dotman to Lead Fireside Chat at 2023 Auto Finance Summit

Ford Credit’s Jim Dotman to Lead Fireside Chat at 2023 Auto Finance Summit

Jim DotmanFord Pro FinSimple Executive Vice President, ford creditwill discuss commercial and electric vehicle financing trends by the fireplace during the Auto Finance Summit on Tuesday, October 31 at 9:30 a.m. at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

View full event agenda.

Dotman is 30 years of experience with Ford Credit, has held several leadership roles in China, Europe and the UK. He most recently oversaw captive’s North American market and international operations in China and Europe.

Ford Pro FinSimple, launched in 2021, will provide fleet financing to Ford Credit’s commercial customers.

Drottman will discuss Ford’s views on the economy, growth initiatives and EV financing opportunities.

Ford Credit Consumer Loan and Lease Portfolio was $78 billion The first quarter earnings report showed that the first quarter was up 0.6% quarter-on-quarter, but down 1.3% year-on-year.

The Autofinance Summit will provide networking and professional development opportunities for attendees, conducting sessions and interactive roundtables on capital markets and funding costs, EV financing and the future of underwriting.

learn more and Register for Auto Finance Summit.

https://www.autofinancenews.net/allposts/management/ford-credits-jim-drotman-to-lead-fireside-chat-at-2023-auto-finance-summit/ Ford Credit’s Jim Dotman to Lead Fireside Chat at 2023 Auto Finance Summit