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Five Accessories To Increase Driving Concentration


Lacking concentration and awareness can be deadly on the road. Knowing the conditions around you, and being aware of any weather hazards that might show up suddenly, are especially important if you want to become a safe, expert driver. However, there are also actual changes and accessories you can implement to your vehicle to make it significantly more prepared to help you avoid an accident. To help you save money and drive safely, here are five amazing accessories to increase driving concentration:

1. Phone Mount

There is nothing more dangerous than a driver who has their nose in their phone when their eyes should be on the road. Understanding how to set up your phone, and any navigation or entertainment you may need before you start driving, will keep you much, much safer on the road (and keep everyone around you safer as well. Placing your phone mount in a location that is accessible, but not distracting while your eyes are on the road, is crucial to pulling off this step effectively. You can even find one that’s stylish enough to help your vehicle’s interior feel that much more modern and compelling.

2. Driver Monitoring Apps

Did you know that more and more insurers are offering tracking apps that can help you save money on your insurance if you drive in a consistently safe fashion? Not only will this keep you safer on the road, but this choice can give you concrete monetary motivation to be a safer driver than you’ve ever been before. If you find yourself saddled with a high insurance bill month after month, looking into your current insurance provider’s policies surrounding driver monitoring apps is highly recommended. This is by far the most modern, and revolutionary step on this list, even if it is still not widely known by many Americans that have car insurance. If you find yourself involved in a car accident, the knowledgeable, compassionate legal team at Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers can help you gain the restitution you deserve.

3. Proper Shading and Tinting

Intense light, blinding sunlight, and other visual distractions can lead to extremely dangerous split-second accidents. While every vehicle will have a visor to help you combat the sun, having high-quality shading and tinting on your vehicle’s windows is a more aggressive, and effective option. The shading will also help you from experiencing your vehicle suddenly becoming blazing hot on an intense summer day. There are a variety of styles you can implement when adding shading and tinting to your vehicle as well, so you’ll have another opportunity to boost your car’s personality.

4. Comfortable Seating

If you’ve ever owned or driven a vehicle with particularly uncomfortable seating, you will understand just how distracting and irritating it can become. There are also instances where a seat is not properly set up for your physical build, making it more difficult for you to control your vehicle without discomfort and distraction. Making sure your seating will keep you cozy, concentrated, and safe while you’re on the road is one of the most essential upgrades you can make to your vehicle. Thankfully, these upgrades can be fairly affordable as well, especially if you opt for a seat cushion upgrade, as opposed to a full seat replacement for the vehicle. The upgrades will ensure your next road trip is excellent as well.

5. Automated Driving Systems

While fully self-automated cars are not widely accessible or legalized on American roads, there are many, many forms of automated driving assistance built into modern vehicles. From more advanced collision warning technology to highly customizable cruise control, these advancements are allowing drivers to avoid accidents at a much higher rate than a few decades ago. Your vehicle may already have these types of features built-in, but you can always buy upgrades and maintenance that will help you improve your vehicle’s abilities that much more. Some insurance providers will even price your premiums lower depending on how many safety, concentration-boosting, and accident-preventing features are installed in your car. Be sure to reach out to your local agent to determine if this is the case for you, and you could stand to save a lot of money in the future on vehicle insurance.

Make 2022 Your Safest Year on the Road Yet

With these five accessories and upgrades implemented into your vehicle, you’ll be fully set to hit the road in a safe, comfortable, and stylish manner. Even if you can only afford to implement a few of these safety-boosting accessories, it’s worth the investment. Both yourself, and everyone in your community that you drive alongside every day, will benefit from your dedication to being a concentrated, aware and hyper-safe driver in 2022.