Home Auto News Chase’s Brooks Talks Success at 2022 Women in Auto Finance Luncheon

Chase’s Brooks Talks Success at 2022 Women in Auto Finance Luncheon

Chase’s Brooks Talks Success at 2022 Women in Auto Finance Luncheon

Las Vegas – chase auto‘s mentorship and training program for female employees has grown to nearly 250 members a year after its launch, demonstrating the need for companies to expand their development opportunities. chase autosaid in a keynote address at the Women in Auto Finance Luncheon on Wednesday. auto finance summit.

“It is important for women leaders to work for a company that prioritizes flexibility and employee well-being. [diversity and inclusion],” she said. “If companies don’t change what they’re doing now, they’re not only losing these female leaders now, they’re losing the next generation of women who are ambitious to take it to the next level.” .”

Photo: Whitney McDonald

brooks leads a dealer service sales team that works with approximately 12,000 dealers nationwide. She has been with Chase for almost 20 years in multiple leadership roles.

Looking back on her years in the industry,she said As women seek to build successful careers, it is important to take advantage of mentorship opportunities and have company leadership “sponsor” their female colleagues.

“Studies show that women at the top of organizations who can make referrals, open doors, offer advice when needed, and even push women out of their comfort zones to apply for the next opportunity , has been shown to go farther and faster,” she said.

To be successful, women are willing to step out of their comfort zones, Brooks said.

“Be comfortable being uncomfortable,” she said. “Put your hands on those projects. Even if you don’t know what they are, you can learn from them. When you put…they are opportunities for you to learn and grow.

Success comes down to defining yourself and living with some discomfort to achieve that vision, Brooks noted in his speech.

“Success varies from person to person, both personally and professionally. It’s all about how you define success,” she said.

The nominations for the 2022 Auto Finance Executive of the Year are now open. Submit your nominations by Friday, October 28th.

https://www.autofinancenews.net/allposts/auto-finance-excellence/chases-brooks-breaks-down-success-at-2022-women-in-auto-finance-luncheon/ Chase’s Brooks Talks Success at 2022 Women in Auto Finance Luncheon