Home Auto News Automotive Noir: Your Guide To Murdered-Out Cars

Automotive Noir: Your Guide To Murdered-Out Cars

Automotive Noir: Your Guide To Murdered-Out Cars

The first thing we need to explain is the definition of a murdered out car. Basically, it’s painting the exterior of the car completely black. You must give it the complete blackout treatment, from top to bottom. This includes black paint and black window tint on every glass surface.

The second thing you might want to know is how a fully black car became synonymous with murdered-out cars. There are loads of theories, but only two seem believable. During the 1990s, Death Row Records did a promotional photoshoot for all its stars. They were all dressed in black against a black background. This black-on-black theme became known as murdered out and was eventually applied to cars. Car owners would get black mirrors, wheels, window tints, blacked-out taillights, and cover all the chrome in black. Whether matte or gloss, it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s black.

The second explanation is “a murder of crows.” That’s the collective noun for these infamous blackbirds. So murder equals crows equals black. The Death Row story has a bit more meat on the bones, so we’re choosing to believe that.

https://carbuzz.com/features/automotive-noir-your-guide-to-murdered-out-cars Automotive Noir: Your Guide To Murdered-Out Cars