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Working from home: main advantages for students

It is possible to work from home remotely (on your computer at home without changing employers) or as a freelancer. In both cases, it is possible to work from home under comfortable conditions.

According to thesis writer, here are tempting prospects of working from home:

Flexible schedule.

This bonus is more often used by freelancers, as an employee on a remote basis can be tied to a rigid schedule on a par with office colleagues. However, even in this case, you can effectively plan your working day. A free schedule is especially important for specialists with young children: it allows them to combine household chores and the business process.

A woman can go with her child to the doctor at any convenient time. In the morning there is an opportunity to visit the gym, and not to run rushing to work. You do not need to find a babysitter to meet your child from school or take him to class in the section. Even a trip to the store for groceries is not dependent on a regimented schedule. In this case, important tasks can be done in the evening, early in the morning, or on an officially non-working day.

For example, take Wednesday off, and work the necessary hours on Sunday. In this case, a person has many more opportunities to solve personal problems, and the quality of performance of duties does not suffer at all. Life ceases to depend on the standard five-day week.

The opportunity to travel and travel around the world is the most attractive bonus of the work-from-home options. No need to dream all year long about a long-awaited vacation and the sea. With a laptop and a stable Wi-Fi network, you can work on a lounger under the palm trees.

Not only a paradise island but a park near your home, a cozy coffee house, or your sofa opposite the window with a panorama of the city can be a nice alternative to a stuffy office. You are free to work wherever you want. No more obnoxious bosses controlling every step, gossipy colleagues, and daily journeys through traffic jams.

Save time and money

Forget about daily traffic jams on the way to work, spending money on public transport or gasoline for your car. No need to suffocate in the summer heat in the streetcar, and in winter – freezing at bus stops waiting for the bus. You will no longer be pushed in the subway – the workplace is just a step away from the bedroom. Don’t forget that an office worker spends enough money on business lunches, snacks, tea, and coffee throughout the day.

It is much more economical and healthy to cook yourself and eat homemade food. In addition, there is no need to buy strict suits, shirts, blouses, classic shoes, as required by the relentless dress code. Staying at home, women can significantly save on manicures, cosmetics and accessories.

 Interacting with family

After a hard eight-hour day at work and a grueling ride home, we want to eat dinner quickly and go to bed. Not everyone has the energy to talk to the family, go for walks, play games and play sports. Working from home saves a resource for communicating with loved ones, for yourself.

Better Health

According to scientists, people who work from home get sick less. They do. You’re not in contact with sneezing and coughing public transport passengers, colleagues with colds, or countless clients. By being in a comfortable and familiar home environment, you can start treatment in time in case of an unexpected cold.

Comfort on individual terms

Down with corporate rules! You can choose a suitable notebook or computer, an office desk of the right size and a comfortable chair for work by yourself. Decorate the place of activity with your favorite souvenirs, posters, indoor flowers. During the day no one will forbid to turn on the music and listen to those tracks that you like, but not a colleague in the office. Set the lighting pleasant for the eyes, make coffee or cocoa and put a cup with a fragrant drink next to you, take a cozy blanket. At home, you can afford anything you want.

The opportunity to earn more

In a typical office setting, all employees are multi-skilled and often perform other people’s duties. At the same time, the salary is not increased but paid according to the employment contract. In a freelance environment, the income will be proportional to the time and effort spent. In addition, a “freelance artist” is not tied to a place and can work for a large foreign company while being in a provincial town.

Working remotely from home is beneficial not only for freelancers but for companies as well. Believe me, the savings on renting office space are substantial and bring many benefits to corporations.

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