Home Auto News Things to Consider When Buying Your First Car

Things to Consider When Buying Your First Car


Looking to buy your first car? This is both an exciting and daunting task – you look forward to the freedom and independence that come with having your own vehicle, but there are also many things that need to be taken into consideration. As a new driver, what you require will be differ to other motorists and your key priorities should be something reliable, safe, small, affordable and not too powerful. If you’re hoping to buy your first car soon, here are some things that you should consider:


As a first-time driver, and even more so if you’re a young driver, insurance can be quite costly. This is why it is advisable that a first car should be small, not too powerful – hence you should take your time, shop around and compare costs and policies to get the best deals.There are also other ways that you can reduce the amount that you have to pay each month. On top of motor insurance, you should also consider GAP insurance as this will protect your investment if the vehicle is written off.

Brand& Model

Next, you will need to pick a suitable make and model. There are plenty of options out there and also more and more innovative brands – but it is always best to choose trusted and reliable manufacturers and to pick a smaller car as these are cheaper to buy, run and insure. As already mentioned, a smaller economical vehicle will enable you to keep running costs and other major expenses lower. For example, Hyundai, Ford, Volkswagen and Fiat are known for being great brands for a first time driver as their cars are affordable, reliable and economical.

Buy new or second hand

You should decide whether to buy new or used. Second hand cars are more affordable, cheaper to insure so it could be a great option. If you decide to buy second hand, then it is best to take your time and only buy from a reputable second hand car dealership to avoid scams and bad deals.

There is nothing quite like getting behind the wheel of your very first car and it is one that you will always remember. It is important that you take the time to find the right automobile as it will need to be one that suits your exact needs and gives you confidence whenever you are behind the wheel.