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Sneak peek coffee cup

Sneak peek coffee cup

Indeed, a new, design-friendly rich weed gear It’s fun; it’s a complete 180 degree change from 10 years ago.there is pharmacy like apple store and bodegas.gummy shaped food or shrimp chips; When bong very modest, your parents If they were Cheech and Chong themselves, they wouldn’t notice your pot smoking.

But these innovations don’t make everyone’s life easier. In states where weed is already legal, these gadgets are all over pharmacy floors. In states where weed is only medically legal or simply “decriminalized,” the benefits of industry design are less obvious, as is legality elsewhere in the United States.

That’s why so many companies are working so hard to create products that blend in with weed.of .

Reminiscent of a reusable to-go coffee cup, the Cupsy Water Pipe can be hidden and folded discreetly while on the move. Simply open the silicone lid, fill the cup with water, close the lid, fill the bowl and light the fire. No electrical or glass parts. It’s inherently indestructible and surprisingly smooth as well.

Puffco Cupsy Review


Puffco Cupsy

  • Extremely discreet and portable
  • Small chamber makes this bong non-lethal
  • Aluminum cup base is easy to clean
  • Silicon lid absorbs dust and dried flowers
  • The bowl is a little difficult to remove

Good things about Puffco Cupsy

Puffco Cassie

This is how Puffco Cupsy is moving.

Evan Marachowski

It’s an incredible secret.

Compared to other modern attempts to make a bong that doesn’t look like a bong, the Puffco Cupsy takes the cake. When closed with the bowl tucked into the storage slot, it’s indistinguishable from takeaway drip coffee. Sure, there are things like the Cupsy logo on the side that give you instant freebies when you look closely, but other unsuspecting people think it’s a reusable coffee cup maker or something you’ve heard of. Don’t you think it’s a new coffee shop without

A clever top closure system also prevents leftover weed scent from escaping the bowl, as it essentially acts as a lid. It’s not as fragrant as a bare bong.

Easy to clean.

Conventional bongs are very difficult to clean, Extensive how-to on the subject. To do that, you’ll need a variety of small tools, such as pipe cleaners, scrubbing brushes, some sort of cleaning fluid, cotton swabs, and paper towels. This is a lot of work. Especially if you can’t reach the corners of the room.

Cupsy, on the other hand, is fully disassembled and all parts are easily accessible. You can remove stems, clean mouthpiece bases, wash aluminum cups, and more.Plus, although I don’t have any real scientific evidence to back it up, I’ve found that the aluminum base is much easier to clean than glass. Greenpeacehot water and a little light scrub, and Cupsy is like new.

Impressive smoothness.

To be honest, I expected Cupsy to perform well, but not as well as a traditional bong. I wondered if experience.

I was wrong. This is surprisingly smooth. It pulls with the same accuracy as a regular bubbler, but has the added benefit of being slightly smaller, reducing its total output and making it less violently high after a single hit.

Puffco Cassie

Here it is packed in itself.

Evan Marachowski

It’s not overwhelming.

As alluded to above, some bongs are that too good. (modern weed strain, once the THC level reaches 30%, it is useless. ) Heira modern two-part glass bong, the size of stanley tumblerA single regular hit sends you into the Shadow Realm — sinking into your own face, bloodshot eyes popping out of your head and making you nervous.? Puffco Cupsy doesn’t do that. really low tolerance.

The compact nature of the design results in a smaller bowl and smaller chamber, at least compared to full-sized bongs. Sure, that might be a problem for seasoned smokers, but it makes Cupsy less intimidating and less of an eyesore in your apartment.

Puffco Cupsy’s non-idealities

It’s a little gimmick.

have understood. This cute little cup of coffee he doesn’t recall the classic scene of passing glass spigots around a hazy dorm room, but weed isn’t what it used to be. use to do so. That said, there is something interesting about picking this up, especially if you plan to pass after your turn.

It’s easy to completely incinerate in one session, leaving the next person to repack. Also, when lighting the fire, the mouthpiece is very close to the fire, so please be aware that people with long hair, bangs, or wearing a hat with a brim may bump into it.

Puffco Cassie

The lid is mostly silicone. So fine flower granules stick to it, creating a sort of sticky mess.

Evan Marachowski

The outer sleeve should not come off. Also, removing the bowl can be a little tricky.

An outer sleeve that protects your hands from the heat of real coffee makes aesthetic sense, but doesn’t do much here. I know it’s meant to be, but don’t let it fall off even though you know it’s supposed to fall off when you wash it.

The bowl also has a slight problem, it is pressed into the silicone lid (same material as the sleeve). Sometimes it gets caught, and sometimes the whole lid lifts up when you pull it with force. Do it slowly but forcefully, I say.

Puffco Cupsy: The Verdict

bong is high — especially good ones. So at just $60, the Puffco Cupsy is a great bargain. Compact secret water pipe with sealable lid, shatterproof body and easy-to-clean ceramic bowl.

Does it generate a crowd-pleasing, crowd-sized cloud of smoke similar to a 30cm tall bonbon? I was admittedly skeptical, despite the Cupsy’s undeniable appeal.


Puffco Cupsy

  • Extremely discreet and portable
  • Small chamber makes this bong non-lethal
  • Aluminum cup base is easy to clean
  • Silicon lid absorbs dust and dried flowers
  • The bowl is a little difficult to remove

https://www.gearpatrol.com/home/a42671407/puffco-cupsy-review/ Sneak peek coffee cup