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Guest comment: Connected cars raise security concerns, but repairs are not one of them

Guest comment: Connected cars raise security concerns, but repairs are not one of them

As a national advocate for right-to-repair reform for all types of equipment, from toasters to tractors, I argue that manufacturers alone can protect data, but pro-repair reform undermines security and privacy. I’m used to hearing claims.

The crux of the problem is what we call the myth of benevolent monopoly. In essence, the myth is that only manufacturers and their distributors can do things the right way and are the only reliable partners. When a third party tries to repair a product using the same methods as a “certified” elite, everything goes terribly wrong. This means that independent repair shops are imperfect.

So monopoly is what protects us. What a caring and benevolent act of the manufacturer!

readers of car news I’ve seen this discussion. for example, John BozeraCEO, Alliance for Automotive Innovation, Proponents of the Repair Act wrote: They want “unfettered access to a treasure trove of private telematics data for their own sales and marketing purposes.”

The REPAIR Act allows car owners to access car maintenance data and transmit it to third parties. Guest comment: Connected cars raise security concerns, but repairs are not one of them

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