Home Auto News 4 Signs You Should Replace The Tires On Your Used Vehicle       

4 Signs You Should Replace The Tires On Your Used Vehicle       


Tires play a crucial role in maintaining the function and performance of your vehicle. Thus, taking the time to care for and maintain their health is essential, especially when it comes toyour tires’ handling and braking performance.

As much as your tires’ function and role to your vehicle are important, it’s unfortunate that they often get overlooked. In some cases, the tires’ deterioration and worn-out conditioncan be subtle, which makes the issue unnoticeable to owners. When left unchecked, the damage can worsen over time. And when this happens, you can put yourself and everyone else on the road at risk.

What Are The Signs You Should Replace Your Tires?

A worn-out tire is one of the common indicators that your tire needs immediate replacement. Signs typically vary depending on the used car’s condition and usage, and sometimes its type. That said, it is important that you know and understand the variation of Nissan cars and other brands, to help you assess the general health of your car’s tires.

To help you start, here are some of the common signs you should look out for to ensure the optimum health of your used car’s tires.

  1. Low Tread Depth

The treads on your car’s tires play an important role when it comes to your vehicle’s traction and braking performance. Typically, a brand-new tire has about 8 to 9 millimeters tread depth, but over time, as you drive your car, the tear depth decreases. That said, you must ensure that your tires’ tread has a depth of 1.6 millimeters or 2/32 inches at all times. If your tires’ tread depth goes below this level, its grip and braking capacity might be impaired.

There are several ways youcan determine your tires’ tread depth. One of them is to purchase a professional gauge that will allow you to measure the tread depth accurately. The other method is to use a penny. Take a coin and place it face down in the tread. If you can still see the entire head, it means that you have a low tread depth, which indicates that it may be time to replace your tires.

  1. Cracks On The Sidewall

Cracks on the sidewall of your tires are another important sign to look out for. With time and constant usage, the rubbers on the sidewall dry out, leading to cracking. Other factors such as weather, incorrect wheel alignment, and poor driving skills may also contribute to the cracks on the sidewalls.

These cracks may lead to a tire blowout, which is extremely dangerous, especially when you’re driving. For this reason, it’s crucial to regularly check your tire sidewalls to avoid such life-threatening situations. You can also consider investing in high-quality aluminum wheels to protect the parts of your wheel in case of a blowout.

  1. The Tires Have A Lot Of Miles On Them

Apart from the physical damages, you may be forced to replace your tires if they have lots of miles on them already. The mileage depends on how often you drive your car and whether you drive long distances.

Given the function of your tires, it is common for them to get worn out over time. Checking the mileage can be a great indicator of whether or not it is time to replace them already.

  1. Too Much Vibration

In some cases, you might notice odd or excessive noise and vibrations coming from your tires, even on smooth surfaces. Some of the causes of this might be worn suspension systems, poor wheel alignment, or a low-pressure tire.

Thus, it’s crucial to have your car examined by a professional to determine what could be causing the vibration. While worn-out tires may not directly cause the vibration, the root cause may damage the tires, leading to uneven treads. This can be a good preventive measure that will allow you to monitor and care for your tires’ health.

How Often Should You Replace Your Tires?

While the manufacturer may recommend replacing your tires for how long, some factors may influence their shelf life. They include:

  • Driving Style

The way you drive may influence your tires’ life. For instance, if you are prone to aggressive cornering and harsh braking, you may be forced to replace your tires more often than gentle driving.

  • Wheel Alignment

Aside from the safety hazards and risks associated withdriving with misaligned wheels, improper wheel alignment may also contribute to the wear and tear of your car’s tires. It can add pressure to your tires, which can then affect the stability and tire tread.

For this reason, it’s important to regularly check your wheel’s alignment. Consider seeking professional help to ensure that your car is in good driving condition.

Bottom Line

When it comes to the health of your car, your vehicle’s engine isn’t the only one needing maintenance. Your car’s tires also need proper upkeep. They must be regularly checked and assessed, not only to prolong their lifespanbut also to ensure that they are functioning well.

That said, regularly maintain the health of your car’s tires by keeping the signs to look out for in mind.